Discover the
Future of Learning

Quick, Easy, and Effective

Our offers seamless learning content management, simplifying, educational resource organization for educators and learners alike

Why you need an elearning platform?

Our clients shared their pain points before discovering e-learning platform:

Technical Development Complexity:
Developing the website's technical infrastructure for features like user authentication, payment processing, security, and scalability can be complex, especially for non-technical individuals or teams.
Monetization Dilemmas
Implementing effective monetization strategies, like subscription models or payment gateways, can be intricate and require careful planning.
Analytics and Reporting Complexity:
Developing comprehensive analytics and reporting systems for user tracking and learning assessment is technically demanding.
Cost Management:
Managing the costs of hosting, maintenance, development, and support can be a significant challenge.

It involves a combination of technical, operational, and business-related challenges, and it often requires a dedicated team with diverse skills to address these difficulties effectively. Our offers seamless learning content management, simplifying, educational resource organization for educators and learners alike.

Product screenshot

Deploy faster

Easy way to launch

All the tools for building, growing, and managing a successful knowledge business are at your fingertips. Begin with just three easy steps.

Make your website your own with full customization control and create to support your branding.
Customize the visual identity
Organize your online courses into modules with sections and lessons to facilitate your learning methods.
Create Amazing Content
Follow the growth of your online courses through charts that show the number of growth.
Growth without growing pains

Your secret weapon
for a faster transition

Nowadays, we are able to learn in every place and time that we want. Mounev is a bridge to the bright future.

Mobile App

Build a branded mobile app for your school

Deliver a powerful mobile experience, reach more audiences, and engage your students even more.

100% White-label
No Coding Required
Beautiful templates
In-App Purchases
Push notifications
Android native
Product screenshot

Let's Create a School of Excellence Together or
Start Opportunities for Collaboration with
Mounev Academy.


What our clients say
about us


“Terobosan yang membantu mengembangkan bisnis dan memudahkan kami dalam capacity building.”


1# Student Consulting Group in Indonesia


“Mounev makes it easier to share makeup knowledge. It has everything to grow my courses from payment till certificate.”

Easy to Use

“Fitur-fiturnya sangat membantu menstrukturkan proses mendidik secara daring. Ditambah lagi dengan tampilan yang mudah dimengerti.”


Biggest event in ITB


“Wadah edukasi yang memudahkan kami untuk melaksanakan rangkaian acara penerimaan anggota keluarga baru.”


“It never hard to use it, especially as they always updated their latest features and their customer service is very helpful.”


“Mounev memiliki tampilan platform dan course yang dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan menjadi salah satu fitur yang unik dan menarik.”


“Platform yang mudah digunakan dengan fitur lengkap dan layanan support yang siap membantu jika kami memiliki kendala.”


“Disini bisa belajar hal baru tentang platform dan IT serta tentunya bisa membagikan ilmu-ilmu yang didapat kepada orang lain dengan mudah.”


“Mounev membantu menerapkan pembelajaran online. Terdapat fitur assesment yang membantu menyiapkan ujian berbasis online.”


“Dengan mounev, manajemen karyawan dalam training skill lebih mudah dan efektif. Fiturnya sangat komprehensif dan memudahkan.”


Pharmaceutical Company

Try Mounev Free

Transform your educational future with a single click, unlocking new possibilities and opportunities in an instant.

Media Coverage


Frequently asked questions

  • We understand that setting up your first online course can be overwhelming, so our team is here to work with you each step of the way. It only needs a minute! As always, feel free to reach out to our Support team if you have further questions.

  • Create Course is very easy. Just upload and drop your content in Mounev's online course

  • Mounev makes it easy for you to charge your courses through our integrations with the most widely used payment processors such as Bank Transfer and e-wallet.

  • Mounev offers two types of assessment. The first one is through multiple choices and essays, and the second one is by giving students a place to submit their tasks so teachers can check them.

  • Mounev provides customization in many aspects, and one of them is domain customization that you can choose based on your preferences. Custom domain is great for establishing your brand as professional and trustworthy.

  • Mounev provide unlimited to create course in our platform, but it will based on the size of the video course.

  • Yes, Mounev absolutely guarantees client Privacy by creating an encrypted system

  • Definitely! Not only that Mounev allows you to build an entire website, it also allows you to choose embedding the platform to the Mounev Platform with your current website. Your audience will see your courses and main site as one holistic ecosystem.

  • Mounev's services are available in English and Bahasa. Using Mounev's payment gateway integration, course creators charge customers in Rupiah (Indonesia's Currency).

  • Absolutely! You can find the free trial demo here. It will cover everything from building out your course to the integration with the payment gateway.